Monday, June 12, 2006

Volunteering services during Sabbatical?

My church has a committee set up to decide on worship services while the minister is on his upcoming Sabbatical. I wrote and offered whatever it is I do or have done.......

I should have sent this last week, but This is Playwrights Platform's summer Festival time, and I'm over my ears in Production....

When I was at Arlington St. Church I was very active in Worship Committee and the Poetry & Plays group, especially for summer services and during the 3 years the congregation was without a minister. I "produced" dozens of services, most of them with some dramatic elements. I recruited 2-20 people to participate, usually enlisting choir or folk musicians--- though sometimes the whole thing was committee-created by 3-5 people. We also had a kind of Saturday Night Live troupe that did political satire, but I was merely an actor in those pieces. I love doing Church/Theatre work, and would be happy to revive old pieces or create new ones if the congregation has an interest in this sort of thing.

(My MA from Goddard is in Feminist Spirituality)

I did chancel drama at ASC, some as Reader's theatre, some memorized
Murder In the Cathedral, The Waste Land, Four Quartets - Elliot
Spoon River Anthology -- Masters
JB - Macleash's Job
GB Shaw -- Adventures of the Black Girl In Search of God (Adapted)
Major Barbara (scenes)
St. Joan (scenes)
Man and Superman (scenes)
Trial scene from Madwoman

Plays from The Mystery Cycles
Creation and The Fall
Cain and Able
Noah and the Flood (with the Sunday School)
Joseph's Trouble Over Mary
Herod & the Massacre of the Innocents
1st & 2nd Shepard's Plays
Judgement Day

I wrote bio-semi-dramas:
Wm Ellery Channing
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Alcotts
Victoria Woodhull
Margaret Fuller
Snapshots of Unitarianism at a particular time; with sermon snips, hymns, sketches of notables

Presented Poets-- those whose poems have been set and used in UU services...
et al -- Plath, Emerson, Rich......

Did seasonal celebrations:
Solstice (s)
The White Goddess
Mothers' Day
Halloween/All Saints/ Day of the Dead
Masks and Comedia archetypes

The other thing I thought I'd mention is that I am Generation 3 of a 5 generation Unitarian family, and can describe what it is like growing up and through Dedcation-Sunday School- Youth Group- Jr & Senior Choir (in Toledo Ohio, various Fellowships, Kansas City Mo Church) ----and then watching kids and Grandkids do it in the home territory of The Boston Religion.


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