Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday --"Talking To.." run is half over

Up at what for a performer is the crack of dawn for choir rehearsal at FUSN. No coffee before the service, we were banished from the kitchen by a Sunday school class... I'm really drooping and grumpy. I know "artistes" are supposed to be able to cope with burning the midnight oil, but the fact is I always have a raging headache any time I don't get 8 hours sleep. Trying hard to be if not spiritually uplifting, at least polite. The service: "Happy Birthday Buddha". Kids did a birthday ritual-- poured tea over baby Buddah, got a carnation. Junior choir sang "Let Music Surround You", we grown-ups sang Clausen's "Set me As a Seal" a capella, beautifully, and even the Purcell "Bell Anthem" went well-- considering that we never actually got through it in rehearsal before we ran out of time and had to give way to the Juniors..... There was a triumphant march down the aisle to rousing applause for organist/tenor Joe Muise, whose 10th anniversary with the church is celebrated, this was the Sunday for Memorial candles, which is sweetly sad but long. I began to think I wouldn't have time for a quick nap before I'm due at the theatre and cringing at the thought of performing with the Dread Headache still in force, but James must have checked his watch and trimmed his Sermon. We got Buddah Abridged, boiled down to 6 principles-- all of which I heartily endorse and try to live by. I got home in time for The Nap, enjoyed doing the matinee, would have collapsed quietly when I got home but my husband's family and friends were gathered to play a financial Real Estate game and eat Chinese Take-Out and I stayed up to watch The West Wing and chat a little and then just began checking my email and then somehow got sucked into reading the Huffington Psost and I was lost on the internet until the wee hours again....

More of "Talking To..."
There has been a flood of positive press for this play, more than I have ever seen for a Boston production-- Ed Siegel was moderate in his praise compared to most writers. The only negative review was from Nick Dussault in the subway giveaway The Metro, who said "The misguided message is disturbing and the haunting production will definitely stir up a plethora of emotions that many people really don't want to grapple with, especially at the theatre".
Some general sense of this may be the reason that despite the wide critical acclaim we are playing to small houses.
I've always thought that contrary to the Metro critic's opinion, grappling with with the overwhelming is precisely the purpose of theatre. Most people who have seen the production seem to agree that in the course of the play they grapple with fear and horror and anger-- but they come out with sorrow and hope.

Anyway, here's the theatre's mid-run PR release with an account of press reaction:
"superb... daring" – Boston Globe"stunning... haunting" – Boston Herald
"provocative" – WBUR

Remaining performances (thru Sat April 8)
This week: Wed & Thurs at 7.30, Friday at 8, Sat at 4 and 8, Sunday at 3.
Next week: Wed & Thurs at 7.30, Friday at 8, Sat at 4 and 8.
Talkback with cast after performance on Thursday March 30
For tickets call 617-933-8600 or go to

"Stark view of terrorists chills... the impact is both riveting and revolting, horrifying and hypnotic" – Terry Byrne, Boston Herald

"Sugan has done a superb job of assembling a cast of eight actors who fully animate the play's assortment of Western officials, Third World and European revolutionaries, and victims of terrorism" – Ed Siegel, Boston Globe

"guaranteed to generate dialogue about matters on which the American theater remains embarrassingly silent" – Bill Marx, WBUR

"riveting performances" – David Andrews, Standard-Times

"a much-needed piece of serious theatre" – Will Stackman, Aisle Say>

$40 Fri & Sat evening and Sun 3pm matinees
$35 Weekday (Wed & Thurs), and Sat 4pm matinees
Senior citizen, group, and student discounts available
$15 Student Rush available for all performances

More press reviews are linked from the Sugan web site.


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