Sunday, April 23, 2006

Falling Apart at either End, Martha in the Middle

Skipped choir and church this am. I got to bed late and didn't sleep well so when the alarm went off I squelched it and slept another couple of hours. Got up and put my head in the steamer to clear my sinuses, drank lemon-ginger tea for my throat.
When I did my Idiot Check for everything I needed to do the show, I discovered a bag of stuff had gone missing-- mostly jewelry which I will be able to substitute for. But I'm late picking up Joan, and I have waves of insecruity. If I can't remember what I did with a prop bag, how can I expct to remember all the other things-- like words and notes and feelings-- I need to perform?
At 4 I performed Martha at a beautiful old house in honor of the 80 year old artist/activist whose idea it was to revive the show. The audience, mostly in the 60-80 range, came up afterwards to express dismay that the painful lessons of Watergate had gone for naught-- the Same Dirty Tricks are loose in the land, and some of the tricksters are the same men who nearly ended our rule of law in 1971! I snag a few canapes-- by now I'm starving-- but must leave before dinner. Joan and Rosanna leave early, too. Rosanna has a recurring bout of the vertigo that has been troubling her, and Joan's son has a health emergency. June stays as stand in for the whole troupe. A better trooper couldn't be found.

On to the Hovey Players in Waltham, where Playwrights Platform is having auditions for the summer short play festival, my "Christmas At Grandma's" among the scripts being matched with actors. My director arrived at 3pm, and apparently was successful because when I arrive at 6 pm the auditions are over. I stay for the first of the evening's Platform script readings, a clever comedy during which I fall asleep. I consider apologizing to the author, but decide that it's possible that he didn't notice and that I'd better just go home and go to bed. But David has taped "The West Wing" for me, so we watch that first.

Happy Shakespeare's Birthday!


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